What is the NA Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Format?

what is a na meeting

The first step is critical because it requires you to admit you have an addiction that needs to be treated. This can also make it easier for your friends and family members to accept and admit that you have a substance abuse problem. Most recently in 2022, Narcotics Anonymous published the Spiritual Principal A Day book often shortened to SPAD. This book consists of a short message about a different spiritual principle for each day of the year. This is similar to another book previously published by NA called Just for Today, containing a message for thought on a recovery related topic for each day of the year.

NA meetings are one of the major parts of the Narcotics Anonymous recovery program. Members meet regularly at these meetings where they are able to talk about their problems and share their stories with others facing similar experiences. The meetings also allow people in recovery to give and receive support and encouragement from their peers. Anyone can drop in an open meeting, including friends and relatives, community members, and college students studying substance abuse. Closed meetings are reserved only symptoms of roofied for those with addiction issues. This often helps members feel more comfortable about opening up.

There is also criticism of NA’s approach of focusing on spirituality and requiring members to identify as addicts. Unlike closed meetings, open meetings welcome public members interested in NA. This includes people struggling with drug use, visitors from the community, and media.

You don’t have to be clean when you get here, but after your first meeting we suggest that you keep coming back and come clean. You don’t have to wait for an overdose or jail sentence to get help from NA, nor is addiction a hopeless condition from which there is no recovery. It is possible to overcome the desire to use drugs with the help of the Twelve Step program of Narcotics Anonymous and the fellowship of recovering addicts. NA started in California in the 1950s as an offshoot of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Today, it holds more than 70,000 regular meetings in 144 countries. There are no membership fees, and NA is an independent organization with no links to any treatment centers or religious groups.

The development of NA literature

Still, researchers found that there may be some benefits in going to NA meetings for people who are taking BMT. Many experts agree that socializing with others and doing service work can be powerful tools for those recovering from addiction. If you want to continue with the program, NA recommends that new members go to a meeting every day for at least 90 days. You flakka wikipedia may be nervous at your first meeting, and it may take some time for you to feel like you can stay with the program and your recovery. Soon you may start to feel a sense of belonging and even make some friends.

  1. This free program provides support in the form of regular group meetings and fellowship with other people with addictions.
  2. Professional editors and writers were hired in 1986 to improve the Basic Text so that it was more consistent in tone and style.
  3. In addition, many NA groups were not following the 12 traditions very closely (which were quite new at the time).
  4. Typically NA groups will purchase literature using group funds from local (area or regional) service offices, or direct from NAWS.
  5. Closed meetings, on the other hand, are restricted in attendance only to those who are struggling with addiction or otherwise have a drug use problem.
  6. Members meet regularly to share their experiences and support each other to quit drugs.

Narcotics Anonymous was created in 1953 to serve those recovering from any and all types of addiction (as opposed to Alcoholics Anonymous, which had been around for 20 years already, but solely focused on getting over alcoholism). This was the first organization of its type, one that offered a peer-based support group for users of often illegal drugs who before, had few other places to turn. This quick guide to the Narcotics Anonymous meeting format will tell you what to expect. 12-step programs observe 12 principles to help you stay clean from whatever addiction you’re dealing with. We are  recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other to stay clean. If you are considering undertaking the 12 steps of NA, you’re not alone.

The 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous

The group’s facilitator will ask at the beginning of the meeting if there are any new members in attendance. There will be people at the meeting who are also new to the program. Many meetings are hybrid, so you can choose to attend in person or remotely. NA follows the Twelve Steps principle to guide its members on the path to recovery. The 12 steps mention God, but NA stresses that this isn’t necessarily a religious figure but sort of a power outside of yourself that helps motivate you. Some Zonal Forums are a service-oriented sharing session that provides the means by which NA communities in their zone can communicate, cooperate, and grow with one another.

About NA – For the Public

As a result, there is bound to be some variation in how meetings are conducted. Aside from following the basic principles, meeting groups are allowed to adapt and change as they wish and conduct themselves in various ways (more on that later). However, there are still plenty of things that these meetings have in common, namely how the beginning and end of meetings are conducted. Anyone who wants to learn more about the program is welcome to open meetings. Open meetings provide an opportunity to learn more about NA and the 12 Steps. Closed meetings make it possible for members to speak openly and honestly.

There may also be readings or group discussions about particular topics. An RSC is composed of the regional committee members (RCMs) of all the participating ASCs in a region. It is similar in organization to an ASC but is further removed from the day-to-day activities of individual home groups. Many of the issues dealt with by RSCs are the same ones that will come before the World Service Conference, with the RSC being the best way for local groups to help craft policies that will affect NA as a whole. In some cases, only the RCMs in a region will meet to vote on issues; in other situations, all GSRs in a region will be invited to attend an RSC meeting.

what is a na meeting

Meetings tend to last 60 to 90 minutes and offer open and closed meetings. NA believes in an abstinence model of recovery, which means being completely drug free. But if whats speed balling you’re addicted to opioids, you may be taking buprenorphine maintenance therapy (BMT).

Because no attendance records are kept, it is impossible to estimate what percentages of those who come to Narcotics Anonymous remain active in NA over time. The only sure indicator of the program’s ability to attract members is the rapid growth in the number of registered Narcotics Anonymous meetings in recent decades and the rapid spread of Narcotics Anonymous outside North America. In addition, many NA groups were not following the 12 traditions very closely (which were quite new at the time). These groups were at times accepting money from outside entities, conflating AA with NA, or even adding religious elements to the meetings. One addict helping another is an essential part of the NA program.[15] It is therefore highly recommended that NA members find a sponsor.

The idea is that as you have benefitted from someone else’s help, you should pay it forward by helping others. Without people’s contributions, these mutual support groups will cease to exist. This step asks you to apply these principles to every aspect of your life and carry them forward to help others struggling with addiction as well. There may be times during the recovery process when you make mistakes or relapse. This step requires you to stay vigilant on a daily basis and admit to any faults you make along the way so you can maintain your spiritual progress. This step is a form of surrender that is intended to help you develop a more positive attitude.


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